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Laboratory Efficacy of Chemical Repellents for Reducing Blackbird Damage in Rice and Sunflower Crops

机译:化学实验室的功效 用于减少黑鸟的驱虫剂 水稻和向日葵作物的损害



Nonlethal alternatives are needed to manage blackbird (Icterids) damage to rice and sunflower production in the United States. We evaluated 4 registered fungicides on rice seeds (i.e., Allegiance® FL, Thiram 42-S, Trilex®, and Vitavax® 200 preplant seed treatments) and 2 foliar pesticides on sunflower seeds (CobaltTM insecticide and Flock Buster bird repellent) as candidate blackbird repellents. Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) preferred untreated rice relative to rice treated with Thiram (P \u3c 0.001) and Vitavax (P \u3c 0.001), and untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Cobalt (P \u3c 0.001). Blackbirds preferred untreated sunflower relative to sunflower treated with Flock Buster repellent on day 1 of a 4-day preference test (P \u3c 0.001). We observed no difference in consumption of treated versus untreated rice during the Allegiance preference test (P = 0.928), and blackbirds preferred rice treated with Trilex relative to untreated rice (P = 0.003). Although repellency was positively related to tested concentrations of Thiram (P = 0.010), Trilex (P = 0.026), and Vitavax (P \u3c 0.001), maximum repellency was \u3c50% during our concentration-response tests of these seed treatments. Repellency was also positively related to tested concentrations of Cobalt (P \u3c 0.001), and we observed \u3e80% repellency of sunflower treated with Cobalt at ≥50% of the label rate. We observed no concentration-response relationship for the Allegiance seed treatment (P = 0.341) and Flock Buster repellent (P = 0.952). We recommend implementation of supplemental field studies to compare laboratory efficacy, repellency, and chemical residues of effective avian repellents throughout periods of needed crop protection.
机译:在美国,需要非致死性替代品来管理黑bird对水稻和向日葵生产的损害。我们评估了水稻种子上的4种注册杀真菌剂(即Allegiance®FL,Thiram 42-S,Trilex®和Vitavax®200种植前种子处理剂)和向日葵种子上的2种叶面杀虫剂(CobaltTM杀虫剂和Flock Buster驱鸟剂)作为候选黑鸟驱蚊剂。相对于用Thiram(P <0.001)和Vitavax(P <0.001)处理的水稻,红翅黑鸟(Agelaius phoeniceus)偏爱未处理的稻米,相对于用Co钴处理的向日葵(P <0.001),红翅黑鸟更喜欢未处理的稻米。相对于在4天偏好测试的第1天用Flock Buster驱虫剂处理过的向日葵,黑鸟更喜欢未处理的向日葵(P <0.001)。我们观察到效忠偏好测试中处理过的和未处理过的大米的消费量没有差异(P = 0.928),而黑鸟更喜欢用Trilex处理过的大米相对于未处理的大米(P = 0.003)。尽管驱蚊度与Thiram(P = 0.010),Trilex(P = 0.026)和Vitavax(P \ u3c 0.001)的测试浓度呈正相关,但在我们对这些种子处理剂的浓度响应测试中,最大驱蚊度为\ u3c50%。拒斥性也与测试的钴浓度呈正相关(P≥0.001),我们观察到钴≥标记率的50%时,经钴处理的向日葵的拒斥性为80%。我们观察到效忠种子处理(P = 0.341)和羊群克星驱虫剂(P = 0.952)没有浓度-反应关系。我们建议进行补充性田间研究,以比较所需作物保护期间的实验室功效,驱虫性和有效驱虫剂的化学残留量。



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